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New challenges and chances for SUP´s (stand-up pouches)

Together with Henno Hensen we organize the 6th European Stand-up Pouch Conference. One of the main topics this year will be the environmental service branch. You will find an interesting statement by Henno about one of his babies – the mono material SUP.



One for all – 100% polypropylene pouch solution

One of the priority requirements for future-proof packaging concepts made of plastic is that the solution should consist of a mono-material. At the latest with the entry into force of the new packing law in Germany for circular economy (KrWG) on 1.1.2019, factors such as recyclability, reuse and packaging design already designed for this purpose are of utmost importance. New pouches with spout made of 100% PP meet these criteria as well as they have the no less important properties of optimal product protection, assured transport properties as well as required information for consumers.

Hensen Consult has developed the entire process chain for this mono-material pouch with experienced partners and brought it to market maturity. This means that the PP pouches, which have been designed for use as food packaging and also for liquid products, comply with the specifications of the KrWG: they are designed in such a way that they can be recycled with existing sorting and recycling technologies. A certificate from Interseroh based on these pouches confirms the optimal design in terms of recyclability. Film, closure and converting process are now assembled into a functioning unit after long series of tests.

Attached you will get first samples of this development for a 130 ml pouch. In the near future, pouches up to 750 ml will be available. This mono-material pouch provides branded product manufacturers with a packaging solution that avoids packaging waste and enables reuse in the context of the circular economy.


Bremen, April 2018

Henno Hensen



Consultant for flexible packaging


D-28329 Bremen 

fon:  +49 421 23 33 90

fax:   +49 421 23 33 53

mobil: +49 171 1977 188

e-mail: henno@hensen.de